Payments can be made for business license, alcohol license and taxes, local gas and diesel tax, building permits, park rentals and cigarette and tobacco stamps.
By clicking on agree button below, you acknowledge and agree to the following:
Before entering payment, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 334/684-2485 for correct payment amount and to obtain any necessary application or forms.
Most transactions will require applicable forms or applications. If you do not complete the necessary paperwork, your payment will be refunded. Refunded payments for failure to complete any necessary form will invalidate any rental reservation. Refunded payments for failure to complete any necessary paper work may result in accounts being past due and late penalties being assessed.
By clicking on the agree button below, you are agreeing to the following:
A 4.5% Service fee or $2.00 minimum, which ever is greater, will be charged to my form of payment.
PHONE NUMBER : 334/684-2485