Local Government - General
The City of Geneva is a class 8 municipality which operates under a Mayor-Council form of government.

The City is divided into seven council districts from which Council Members are elected. The Mayor is elected at large. The Mayor and Council Members serve four year terms of office.
Regular elections are held quadrennially. Qualifying to run for municipal office commences the first Tuesday in July or the next business day thereafter. Qualifying ends on the third Tuesday in July. Regular elections are held the fourth Tuesday in August and runoff elections, if necessary, are held on the sixth Tuesday following said regular election. Municipal officials take office the first Monday in November following a regular election cycle.
The next regular election cycle for the City of Geneva is scheduled for 2016.

Qualifying for office, absentee voting and general election duties are handled by the City Clerk. For more information on City elections contact the City Clerk's Office. To register to vote contact the Geneva County Board of Registrars office.
Council meetings are held the first and third Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council room at City Hall, 517 S. Commerce Street. All persons wishing to address Council should appear on the agenda. To be placed on the agenda the request should be received by noon the Friday before a scheduled meeting. All persons appearing on the agenda are requested to limit their presentation to five minutes. To be placed on the agenda contact the City Clerk's Office.​