News & Events

Alabama Scenic River Trail
The Alabama Scenic River Trail is the only blueway that has it all-from mountain streams to river delta to the salty waves of the Gulf of Mexico. Paddling and powerboat experiences and exploration abound along nearly 5000 miles of accessible waterways on over 43 waterways with over 40 outfitters and adventure services to serve and assist you. We have amenities and campsites to support everything from long-distance touring to organized paddles to races, overnight trips or any kind of day trip you might imagine. It's all waiting for the whitewater enthusiast, the naturalist and the family who just wants to play.
Copied from the Alabama Scenic River Trail Website
The City of Geneva is honored to be Listed as a designation on this trail.
For more information of the Alabama Scenic River Trail visit their website at:

The Geneva Beautification Committee is selling pavers for phase II of the Brick Paver Project. The cost is $100.00 per brick. Use the button below to down load an order form with directions, details and stipulations regarding the purchase of a brick. Order forms along with payment should be mailed or taken to the City Clerk's Office at City Hall.