Street and Sanitation Department

Superintendent: Allen Brewer
Location: 515 S. Clark Street
Phone Number: 334-684-0700​

The Street Department provides a wide variety of services essential to the public. These essential services include, but are not limited to:
- Repair and maintenance of paved streets, dirt roads and sidewalks
- Street signs and markings
- Right-of-way maintenance
- Storm drainage system maintenance
- Cemetery maintenance
- Levee maintenance
- Mosquito control
- Airport maintenance
- Fuel system maintenance

Garbage pick-up is once per week. Customers must use City owned cans.
*Cans must be out by 7:00 a.m. the morning of pick-up.

Garbage Rates:
Residential $20.00 monthly
Commercial $25.00 monthly
Additional Can Residential $5.00 monthly - Limit of 1 additional can
Additional Cans Commercial $10.00 each monthly - Limit of 3 additional cans

Holiday Schedule
Holidays observed will be New Years Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas.